πŸ‡ Purpleberry System πŸ‡

HI! we are the Purpleberry System
(Formerly the Fossil System!)
Body is 22, white, we are physically disabledThere are more members but this is who's Comfortable!!Frequent Fronters- Marcel, Poet, Matt, Eddie!

πŸ¦‹ Marcel πŸ¦‹

Marcel/Gus/Hastur | Host | 22
Ve/vir & wy/wym & it/its
Bi Maverique! :-)
Icon's my art!

⚾ POET ⚾

Poet / Quill / Liliya
It/its & pey/pen
Nonbinary lesbian!!
Me n Matt front a lot together!Icon is my art!


Matthieu / Static
Ageless + Gendervoid
No pronouns. Avoid them or put spaces in the place.
Kin w John Malevolent && Spy TF2 && Static Man A81Poet's my bestfriend.Icon Source


Edith / Darla
She/her & they/them
Lesbian :]
Lesbians can do any and all crime ever!!!
im handing you One (1) blueberry Right Now. thanks
i use the host's social mediaIcon from Bicycle Boy comic


(aka Not-As-Frequent-Fronters)

🐒 Stew - he/him - age slides (15-20)
🍯 Honeycomb / Riot / Attley - she/her, they/them, pur/purrs, bu/buz,fer/fern - 17
🐷 Buck - he/it/they/she - 30s
🌹 Rose - she/her & lu/lune - Teen
πŸ“š Dani - any - 17
πŸ‡ Bunny - she/her - 16
🐟 Sal - they/them - 30s
🟒 Adrian - he/him - 22
πŸ’ Hawthorne - he/they - Adult
πŸ’° Bruno - she/he/they - 37
πŸ† Lucas - he/him - 30s
πŸ§ͺ Ed - she/her - adult
πŸ€ Rat - it/its - ageless
🎯 Mike - he/it - 27
πŸ– Meat - he/it/they - ?

Updated 04 January 2024